SELME Matthieu Auteur photographe panoramiste 360

Panoramic publications of July 2010 :

To view the archives of 360° panoramas, click here

play 360 panoramaMise en place de la salle de repas du Mariage Mariage de Flo et Matt : Mise en place de la salle de repas Selme Matthieu

Wedding of Matt and Flo : Implementation of the dining room of marriage
   Panorama made of 13 x 3 photos taken on the 09 July 2010.  
Click on the image to view the 360º panorama !   

play 360 panoramaLe repas du Mariage Mariage de Flo et Matt : Le repas Selme Matthieu

Wedding of Matt and Flo : The wedding meal
   Panorama made of 9 photos taken on the 10 July 2010.  
Click on the image to view the 360º panorama !   

play 360 panoramaFin de soirée...  Mariage de Flo et Matt : Fin de soirée... Selme Matthieu

Wedding of Matt and Flo : Late night...
   Panorama made of 10 photos taken on the 11 July 2010.  
Click on the image to view the 360º panorama !   

play 360 panoramaSommet du Breithorn - 4164m Nous débutons notre course au sommet des remontées mécaniques, vers 3400m d'altitude, puis nous longeons le bord des pistes de ski, crampons aux pieds, et bâtons aux mains... - 4164m Selme Matthieu

We begin our race to the top of the ski lifts, around 3400m above sea level, then we follow the edge of the ski slopes, crampons, sticks and hands... - 4164m... Read the full story.
   Panorama made of 13 x 3 photos taken on the 18 July 2010.  
Click on the image to view the 360º panorama !   

play 360 panoramaNuit au refuge Ayas - 3394m Première nuit en montagne : Refuge Ayas Selme Matthieu

First night in the mountains: Ayas Refuge... Read the full story.
   Panorama made of 13 x 3 photos taken on the 18 July 2010.  
Click on the image to view the 360º panorama !   

play 360 panoramaSommet du Pollux - 4092m Départ matinal du refuge d'Ayas, 3394m, pour rejoindre le Pollux. Vers 3900m, nous déchaussons les crampons pour marcher dans des éboulis de gros cailloux. Nous remettrons les crampons sur l'arête vers le sommet - 4092m Selme Matthieu

Early start of Ayas refuge, 3394m, to join the Pollux. to 3900m, we déchaussons crampons for walking in talus boulders. We will provide spikes for the ridge to the summit - 4092m... Read the full story.
   Panorama made of 13 x 3 photos taken on the 19 July 2010.  
Click on the image to view the 360º panorama !   

play 360 panoramaAu pied de l'arête du Pollux - 4050m Magnifique vue sur l'arête sommitale... - 4050m Selme Matthieu

Magnificent view of the summit ridge... - 4050m... Read the full story.
   Panorama made of 13 x 3 photos taken on the 19 July 2010.  
Click on the image to view the 360º panorama !   

play 360 panoramaSommet du Castor - 4223m Magnifique vue du sommet du Castor - 4223m Selme Matthieu

Beautiful view from the top of Castor - 4223m... Read the full story.
   Panorama made of 13 x 3 photos taken on the 19 July 2010.  
Click on the image to view the 360º panorama !   

play 360 panoramaSommet de la pointe Felik - 4061m En descendant du Sommet du Castor, quelques pointes surgissent : arrêt sur l'une d'entre elles - 4061m Selme Matthieu

Going down the Summit of the Beaver, a few points emerge: Stop on one of them - 4061m... Read the full story.
   Panorama made of 13 x 3 photos taken on the 19 July 2010.  
Click on the image to view the 360º panorama !   

play 360 panoramaAu pied du Naso - 4100m En attendant l'autre cordée, nous enfilons les gros gants, avant de nous attaquer au Naso - 4272m Selme Matthieu

Meanwhile the other rope, We put the big gloves, before tackling the Naso - 4272m... Read the full story.
   Panorama made of 13 x 3 photos taken on the 20 July 2010.  
Click on the image to view the 360º panorama !   

play 360 panoramaSommet du Naso - 4272m Après une pente assez raide de glace, nous voici au sommet du Naso - 4272m Selme Matthieu

After a steep slope of ice, here we are at the top of Naso - 4272m... Read the full story.
   Panorama made of 13 x 3 photos taken on the 20 July 2010.  
Click on the image to view the 360º panorama !   

play 360 panoramaSommet du Balmenhorn - 4167m Quelques petits échelons de via ferrata pour monter au sommet du Balmenhorn, et nous découvrons un bivouac d'urgence, installé au sommet - 4167m Selme Matthieu

Some small steps for via ferrata climb to the top of Balmenhorn, and we discover an emergency bivouac, located at the top - 4167m... Read the full story.
   Panorama made of 13 x 3 photos taken on the 20 July 2010.  
Click on the image to view the 360º panorama !   

play 360 panoramaSommet de la Pyramide Vincent - 4215m Nous terminons ce troisième jour par la Pyramide Vincent - 4215m, les nuages commencent à bourgeonner... Selme Matthieu

We end this day by the third pyramid Vincent - 4215m, the clouds begin to bud... ... Read the full story.
   Panorama made of 13 x 3 photos taken on the 20 July 2010.  
Click on the image to view the 360º panorama !   

play 360 panoramaSommet du Corno Nero - 4322m Après avoir gravi des marches très hautes et très raides dans la glace, nous voici au sommet du Corno Nero - 4322m Selme Matthieu

After climbing the stairs very high and very steep in the ice, here we are at the top of Corno Nero - 4322m... Read the full story.
   Panorama made of 13 x 3 photos taken on the 21 July 2010.  
Click on the image to view the 360º panorama !   

play 360 panoramaSommet du Ludwigshohe - 4272m Sommet du Ludwigshohe - 4272m Selme Matthieu

Ludwigshohe Summit - 4272m... Read the full story.
   Panorama made of 13 x 3 photos taken on the 21 July 2010.  
Click on the image to view the 360º panorama !   

play 360 panoramaSommet de la Pointe Zumstein - 4563m La pointe Sumstein, plus haut sommet de cette randonnée glaciaire - 4563m Selme Matthieu

The tip Zumstein, the highest peak of the glacier - 4563m... Read the full story.
   Panorama made of 13 x 3 photos taken on the 21 July 2010.  
Click on the image to view the 360º panorama !   

play 360 panoramaRefuge le plus haut d'Europe - 4554m Petite pause dans le plus haut sommet d'Europe, à 4554m Selme Matthieu

Short break in the highest peak in Europe, 4554m... Read the full story.
   Panorama made of 13 x 3 photos taken on the 21 July 2010.  
Click on the image to view the 360º panorama !   

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2006 :
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2007 :
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2008 :
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2009 :
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2010 :
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2011 :
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2012 :
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2013 :
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2014 :
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2015 :
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2016 :
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2017 :
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2018 :
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2019 :
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2020 :
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2021 :
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2022 :
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2023 :
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2024 :
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